News From The Author

Hello! I haven't added here any new posts for over two years now, but I see you still read my story, and that's absolutely insane! Thank you! I'm writing this post to give you some news that you maybe don't know about. Well, I have published two books since I stopped publishing here - Once Upon a Time There Were Two Poetry Books... & Laura's Diary - My Awesome Life . And I got a new blog now. It's called Get Inspired ,   and it's about my own cultural news. I also have a store with signed copies of my books, and there is a very nice merch that you can buy cheaper thanks to The Christmas Sale now. You can consider buying anything from me until midnight 27th December CET if you wanna save money and maybe buy presents. Oh, and I have a podcast where I talk about poetry and music. I mean it's an audiobook and commentary kind of thing where I talk about the meaning and inspiration that made me write certain works. It's called Romantic Wednesdays With...

Note No. 51. Elizabeth Wonders What to Write About

7th September 1820


And then Amor flew away through the window… Yes, I have just finished writing new poem… And it feels so fresh! I saw in one of museums all that art that present this story, so I wanted to do the same one day. The only difference is that my tool is this quill pen. This one I hold in my hand right now. The one that looks at me too now.

Ah, what shall I write about today? Ah, right!

I have also just written a letter to my brother. I inform him that I met Canaletto here, I mention few places I saw recently and hope to see him soon, blah blah, nothing special. That is almost a formal letter because my brother is not only my brother – he is a king! You lady must always remember who you talk to!

Well, maybe I will recall few English-Scottish adventures right now and I will go to see how my husband is doing. I am pretty bored tonight. I have done a lot, but I see it is not too dark yet. Ah, are you sleeping, Willy? Ah, my shoe wants to dance…

Cirencester. That is such a small town, Roman roots so it is so crazy old but… I remember we all we disappointed. Yes, even my few months old son. What more can I say? I have not seen anything special there while I hoped so… If it is that old, it should be impressive!! Is it not?

Hmm… What more? I cannot remember…

So maybe few words about some old books. Yes, the painter brought me few books today. I will sit and read tomorrow all day!

What more, what more…

Ah, I do not know… The candlelight is blazing exiguously… Maybe I will go now and write more tomorrow… Tomorrow I will write more for sure… I will sit, read, write, and think of cultures all day… Yes!

William, my dear! I am coming for you! I hope you cannot wait to see me too! I hope you are not snoring but thinking and dreaming of me! Willy!!


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